Korea is one of the Asian countries that have most developed democratic political system. People can express their opinion through various media including internet. In the sense, the arrest of Minerva, the most famous blogger in Korea, was sensational event.
Minerva is a pen name of a Korean blogger who posted tragic prediction about Korean economy since last July. At first, his arguments failed to draw much attention, because people thought they were unrealistic. However, he was placed in the center of the public attention, as like his prophecy, Lehman Brothers went bankrupt, Korean Won fell down, and Korean stock market plummeted. He posted more than 100 blogs and most of them were about the dark future of Korean economy. One of his expectations was that within 2008, the stock market index would fell down to 500, which was higher than 2,000 one year ago and now at 1,100.
Eventually, in 2009, the government decided to arrest Minerva for hurting the public interest by spreading false information. People thought Minerva should be a well-educated influential person in the finance industry, but he turned out to be a jobless with just 2-year college diploma.
There are still hot debates surrounding Minerva with most of internet users criticizing the government's reaction as the death sentence for internet democracy.